Bud & I just prior to leaving my house for the meeting
Bud & Janice. I had just dropped Janice off at the house from her job and she did not go to the meeting with us..
Mike & I at the Miracle League center.
Doug & Kyle inside the Miracle League Center. Both Kyle & Mike had to use their lunch hours to attend the meetings. Kyle is the Blue Knights TX XX Vice President
Doug, Lisa & Kyle. Lisa will be working one of the stops on the Fun Run and she loves motorcycles
This is Allison (blue) & Lee (red). They are the Co-Chairs for the Miracle League and have done an outstanding job working with us to make this Run happen. There were numerous other Miracle League members at the meeting but I did not get their pictures. HOWEVER, Saturday morning, just before the Fun Run kicks off, I will be taking group photo's and they will be posted on the blog Saturday evening.
Scroll down for more rides, events & posts and don't forget to click on the "older posts" link at the bottom of EACH page for more rides and posts. Check out North Texas Bikers (1) at http://www.jjskewlstuff.blogspot.com/ for rides, events & posts from January 08-November 08. and North Texas Bikers II at: http://www.jjskewlstuffii.blogspot.com/ for rides, events & posts from Nov. 08-July 09. Until next post, ya'll be careful out there, ride safe, keep the rubber on the road & pray for our Troops & Pattie & Manuel................JOHN
This is the flier for the 1st Annual Miracle League Fun Run. You can click on the flier to read the info and for more detailed information about the event, please see the post directly below.
This will conclude this post. I invite everyone in the area to come out and support this very worthwhile event. Please help us help the Special Needs kids. They deserve to have a place to call their own to have a good time playing America's favorite past time: Baseball.
Scroll down for more rides, events & posts and don't forget to click on the "older posts" link at the bottom of EACH page for more rides and posts. Check out North Texas Bikers (1) at http://www.jjskewlstuff.blogspot.com/ for rides, events & posts from January 08-November 08. and North Texas Bikers II at: http://www.jjskewlstuffii.blogspot.com/ for rides, events & posts from Nov. 08-July 09. Until next post, ya'll be careful out there, ride safe, keep the rubber on the road & pray for our Troops & Pattie & Manuel................JOHN
im glad to see you out and about john. hope you are doing well and recovering quickly.