As I rolled North on US 281, heading to the staging area at Windthorst Rd & US 287, I take this picture showing no clouds in sight...This was at about 9:30 a.m. and the temp was 58 degrees.
I get to the staging area, gas up the bike and pull in line. Here is Tex, the first one to arrive. Tex is our North Texas PGR Assistant Ride Captain. For more on the PGR (Patriot Guard Riders), see this link:
Here is Mark just after he arrived. I am nominating him for Sgt At Arms for the Blue Knights TX XX at our next Chapter meeting. For more on the Blue Knights TX XX, see this link:
From left to right, today's riders: Bill, Tex, Mark & Nubbin
again, Bill, me, Mark & Nubbin
We get ready to depart the Shell Station at Windthorst Rd & US 287 enroute to Saint Jo Texas about 62 miles to the Southeast.
As we roll, Mark takes this picture of me behind him in the formation.. Pic used with Mark's permission.
Here is Nubbin as we roll South on US 287
Here is Tex as we roll South on US 287
Here is Bill as we roll South on US 287
Another of Nubbin rolling South on US 287
Here is Mark rolling South on US 287
Here are the guys in front of me as we head down US 287. Mark is in the lead followed by Tex, then Bill, then Nubbin & then me bringing up the rear.
Another of Tex rolling South on US 287
me rolling down the road, courtesy of Mark
we change up positions with me in the lead, then Mark, Tex, Bill & Nubbin bringing up the rear
We stop in Nocona Texas for a quick water break.. Tex, Bill & Nubbin (far end)
Mark in Nocona Texas..
Mark in Nocona Texas..
We depart Nocona & head for Saint Jo & the Biker Roadhouse.. both about another 12 miles East on US 82
We get to the Biker Roadhouse, located on the town square in Saint Jo, and park the bikes
We get inside and Vanese, co owner with Toxie, shows me this flyer about the Wichita County Toy Run on Dec 5, 2009
This is Vanese, Toxie's wife and co-owner of the Biker Roadhouse. That item to her left, under plastic cover, is a heavy duty patch sewing machine. She told me & wants ya'll to know that in about a week, she will be sewing patches on vests while you wait & shop at the Biker Roadhouse. They have a good assortment of patches, so when you are in the area, stop in, take a look, buy some & get em sewn on while ya look around at the other items they have in the store.
Nubbin picks out a few patches for his vest..
Bud was sick today and had a doc appointment and couldn't ride with us. Imagine my surprise when we got to the Biker Roadhouse and Bud was already there. We parked right next to his truck and I didn't even think about it. Here is Bud buying about six patches, while Toxie is telling us to be careful & watch out for deer. One had run thru a bike formation and got hit by the #3 rider, right down the road.
We return to the bikes and I see this old saloon on the corner of the square. It's called the Stonewall Saloon and was established in 1873. It is named after Stonewall Jackson. And in case you didn't know, Texas was one of the Confederate States back during the American Civil War
Here is the Texas Historical Marker located on the outside wall of the saloon telling about it.
I walk back to the bikes which are parked in front of the Biker Roadhouse. For more info on the Biker Roadhouse in Saint Jo Texas, see this link. If you are out in the area of Saint Jo, be sure to stop in and see Toxie & Vanese at the Biker Roadhouse. They have a great biker business and are great folks...
from left to right: Mark, Tex, Bill & Bud...talking in the parking lot of the Biker Roadhouse prior to us leaving. Bud wasn't feeling good and headed back to Wichita Falls while we set out for the Armadillo Grill in Bowie Texas..
Nubbin, our leader from Saint Jo to the Armadillo Grill in Bowie Texas, sets up his MP3 player. He was gonna jam while riding...
We head out of Saint Jo and head South on TX 59. Here is Nubbin leading the way
Behind me are Mark, Bill and Tex bringing up the rear
Nubbin as we enter some colorful foliage along southbound TX 59
Mark takes this picture of me in his rearview mirror as we roll down the road
I get back out in front & take this mirror shot of Mark, Bill & Tex as we head West on TX 174
As we park the bikes, Mark gets this pic of me in the parking lot.
Our bikes as seen from the porch of The Armadillo Grill in Bowie Texas. That is Southbound US 287 behind the bikes
We get our table and order an assortment of food. Here is one of the giant burgers
My bacon & eggs & coffee..
This was a giant plate of some type of Mexican food..I don't eat Mexican food so I have no idea what it is..But there was a LOT of it...
a large cheeseburger and fries. They do not scrimp on the food at the Armadillo Grill. Read what one of the Restaurant food review reporters had to say about the Armadillo Grill at this link:
We get ready to leave the Armadillo Grill. Here is Nubbin & Bill. We would take TX 174 to Windthorst Texas. There, Tex would continue on TX 174 to his house and Mark, Bill, Nubbin & I would turn North on US 281. Nubbin would turn off in Windthorst to go to his place and Mark, Bill & I would continue North to Wichita Falls to our places
Bill as we get ready to depart Bowie Texas
Tex checks in at home as Mark rolls up
Here is Mark as we roll North on US 281
Nubbin turns off in Windthorst Texas and the final picture of today's ride is of Bill (up front) & Mark as we continue North up US 281 to Wichita Falls Texas. This will conclude this post.
It was a beautiful day for a ride and a great ride with friends. It just don't get any better than this. I thoroughly enjoyed riding with my friends today and look forward to the next ride, whenever it occurs and to wherever it takes us.
Scroll WAY down for more rides, events & posts and don't forget to click on the "older posts" link at the bottom of EACH page for more rides and posts. Check out North Texas Bikers (1) at for rides, events & posts from January 08-November 08. and North Texas Bikers II at: for rides, events & posts from Nov. 08-July 09. Until next post, ya'll be careful out there, ride safe, keep the rubber on the road & pray for our Troops & Pattie & Manuel................JOHN
Great ride and good food, my friend! I love the pic about Texas saloon...
ReplyDeleteRide hard, ride safe.