The Snow Ball Express came to the Dallas area between Dec 10-14-2009. That was where 1800 kids, who had lost parents or a parent in the War, were flown into
DFW airport, from
around the country. They were met at
DFW by the
PGR and other riders and escorted to various Dallas hotels & Motels by these bikers. They were then, over the next 4 days, e
scorted to various functions across Dallas by the
PGR members & other bikers. These riders were assigned to these kids to escort them to all the destinations and to make sure those kids got whatever they needed. For more info on
this worthwhile & necessary event, see this link: of the
PGR members that were involved in the event, were Mike & Barbara, both
PGR Ride Captains and both dedicated to this event. They took off work to spend the entire time with the kids. They trailered their bikes down to Dallas, as they were also going to need their truck to pick stuff up, once in Dallas. While there, escorting the kids, some LOW LIFE SCUMBAG stole
their trailer from the Hotel parking lot.
I am posting pictures of their trailer on this post in hopes that some of you may have seen this trailer as a new item in your neighbor hood. If you see this trailer, contact you local police department or contact Mike at:

Here is an email Mike sent out telling a little about the trailer:
As some of you know by now, my trailer was stolen from the motel parking lot in Dallas while Barbara and I were participating in the escorts for the kids of Snowball Express this week. It has been reported to the police, but I realize that a trailer may not be high on the list of priorities for the Dallas Police Department. So I am asking everyone to keep an eye out for it and either let me know or a local police department know if you see it. Since I took an old boat trailer and modified it quite a bit I imagine there is not another one any where that looks like it I imagine it has already been sold for drug money and even tho it was stolen in downtown Dallas Friday afternoon the 11th, it could be anywhere by now.
Mike ( weldermike) Johnson

So, let's all keep a lookout and lets see if we can get Mike's trailer returned to him, and the
SCUMBAG who stooped low enough to steal it, put in jail... Those of you that know Mike & Barbara, know they are not using the labels LOW LIFE SCUMBAG. They are much to classy for that. I, on the other hand, am not and will refrain from my normal descriptive language for the thieves. LOW LIFE SCUMBAGS is the best I can do for now, in case minors are reading this post.
Thanks to all of you for keeping a look out and we hope that ya'll can give Mike & Barbara a good Christmas present by locating their trailer.
Scroll down for more rides, events & posts and don't forget to click on the "older posts" link at the bottom of EACH page for more rides and posts. Check out North Texas Bikers (1) at for rides, events & posts from January 08-November 08. and North Texas Bikers II at: for rides, events & posts from Nov. 08-July 09. Until next post,
ya'll be careful out there, ride safe, keep the rubber on the road & pray for our Troops & Pattie & Manuel................JOHN
Got the word about this through CMA and we are on the lookout also. I cannot believe someone would do this! I sure hope they are caught soon.