Today, Thursday, 6-3-10, I got an email from Bobby, a good friend and former co-worker for 28 years. He wanted to swing by and show me his new bike that he got yesterday afternoon. Scroll down and see what Bobby got and REMEMBER: IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE PICTURE BIGGER, JUST CLICK ON THE PICTURE.

I can tell that Bobby is one happy biker and I have no doubt that he will put on many thousands of miles on his Harley. Bobby, ya done good!!! I look forward to riding with you..
Scroll down for more rides, runs and events and don't forget to click on the " OLDER POSTS" on the bottom of EACH page or directly under the last post on the page, for more of the same.
You can access NORTH TEXAS BIKERS and NORTH TEXAS BIKERS II at the following address: and
Continue to pray for our troops, both in and out of harm's way, especially for Pattie (Korea) and my niece, Steffanie (Iraq/Afghanistan Theatre)
Until next post, ya'll be careful out there, keep the rubber on the road, keep your head on a 360 degree swivel and most important of all: RIDE SAFE.............. JOHN
Ok Bro., if you don't make it to Sturgis this year remember that I am coming over to the USA to ride Sturgis next year (2011) and would really like to meet you, shake your hand and buy you a beer - so make it next year for sure!