There goes Janice in her Ford Focus after she dropped me off at Broken Chains Freedom Church, 5200 Old Jacksboro Highway, here in Wichita Falls Texas. She was heading home to take a muscle relaxer after pulling some muscles in her lower back.
Another member's Harley
I went inside because the Praise Band was practicing. I went and looked at the sound booth and took this pic of the sound board. I used to run the sound board for several years at the Church where Janice's father was Pastor
This is Dylan's (a.k.a The Kid) Harley Road King. It is for sale. Dylan is the bass/rhythm guitar player in the Praise Band
The first two bikes at the church tonight
Another view of the Harley out front
The Praise Band: from left to right: Bruce-rhythm, Floyd-drums, Speedy-lead vocals & acoustic, David-bass and Dylan-rhythm
Linda (pastor's wife) and Amy work hard in the kitchen to get the goodie table ready
This is the Kid's Corner Room
Kid's Corner is for kids from 5-11 years old. Broken Chains Freedom Church has something for every age group. They have a nursery and a teen church
This is the Nursery
The wall to the Sancturay is lined with members pictures and different events at the church.
The main hall to the Sanctuary with the kitchen off to the right
The Broken Chains Freedom Church decal on the front door. I meant to get one for the car but I left without one. I will pick one up next Friday
The front entrance area
The front entrance area. On the other side of that window is the Nursery
The right side of the Sanctuary
Christopher at the sound board
Amy delivers a big bowl of chips & salsa to the goodie table. And yes, that is a BIG plate of brownies.
Our Praise Band is Great! They play high energy Praise songs and some tradional songs.
This is Lori, the Pastor's daughter. She is all smiles tonight as always.
Speedy, lead singer and acoustical guitar player with Floyd on the drums
Bruce is another rhythm guitar player in the Praise Band. These folks practice and really put on a great Praise & Worship session
Two cakes are brought to the goodie table
The goodie table and the blue barrel is full of iced down drinks..
The chips & salsa that Amy put on the table. There are also bags of cookies, pretzels, corn chips etc.
You also have your choice of regular or decaf coffee.
Christopher at the sound board
Rusty arrives on her trike. This is a Suzuki Bergman 650cc bike with the touring package on it. It is normally a two wheel bike but the package makes it a trike. It also has an automatic transmission for those who can't shift or never learned how to shift. She has 23,000 miles on it and says she has absolutely no trouble keeping up with the bigger bikes
A view of the Suzuki's seat, bars & controls
a head-on view of Rusty's bike
another view of Dylan's bike
The Praise Band continues to practice prior to service
David enjoys what he does and is all grins tonight
Looking back at the sound board and entrance from the stage. In a very short time this Sanctuary will be full, almost to standing room only. God is really moving at the Broken Chains Freedom Church and it continues to grow
Moe arrives and has Dennis's business sign on the tailgate of her pickup as well as a Broken Chains Freedom Church decal. Her husband Dennis has a business called C Me Shine, a motorcycle accent lighting installation business and he is VERY GOOD at what he does. Give him a call today at 940-782-6312 and see what he can do for you.
Another biker decal under Moe's F-150 lettering on her tailgate.
Her is Moe with just one of her hilarious t-shirts that she has
The front of Moe's t-shirt
A church member's Harley
Another church member's Harley 1200cc Sportster Custom
Barbara arrives at the church. She just got her m/c license and bought herself a new bike..Way to go Barbara!
Left to right: LeAnn (Barbara's daughter), Ron and Barbara
Steve arrives at the church on his bike
Another church member's bike
Flip arrives at the church and is in a great mood and is all grins
This is Amy with her son, Colter, at the church
Another Church member arrives
This is Amy. She is engaged to Dustin, who is enroute to the church with Tom or Crazy Tom as he is called by those who know him.
This is Rooster's bike. Same year & model as mine, an 01 harley Heritage Softail Classic. He has 48,000 + miles on his, where I only have 19,000 on mine. But that is fixin to change on July 6, 2010.
Another member arrives with his son as a passenger
and this is his Harley
Niki (Flips wife) arrives and is all smiles. That is Flip with his back to the camera as he talks to other church members
Tim & Tammy arrive at church
Member's bikes out front of the church
Dustin arrives with Tom as his passenger
Tim & Tammy's Harley
Another member arrives at the church
Johnny gets a hug from Moe when he enters the church. Johnny is a cancer survivor. As I heard, the church laid hands on him and prayed. God answered the prayers and he was found to be cancer free at his next doctor visit
Myra & Russell in Church
Russell & Sissy in the Broken Chains Freedom Church
Myra talks to Pastor Roy Boswell, as Russell (her husband) and Sissy look on.
This is Phyllis and Myra. I believe they said they use to be co-workers a while back
The Praise Band starts the service . Left to right: Bruce, Speedy, Floyd, Dylan and David
The C.M.A. patch on the member in front of me. C.M.A. stands for the Christian Motorcyclists Association. The local chapter, GloryBound has a prison ministry and they go to the jails & prisons and all the biker functions to share the good news of Jesus Christ with bikers of all types.
This is Moe & Michael. He is a member of B.A.C.A. (Bikers Against Child Abuse) and I think he is going to be the Vice president of the local Chapter, shortly
Services end and I got a pic of these young ladies before they headed out. Left to right: Sherry, Myra, Sissy and Linda
Members talk prior to leaving
left to right: Barry, Barbara, Ron and LeAnn
members talking outside after services
Sissy's trike out front in the parking lot
This is Moe & Gene after services
This is the biker trailer that Gene is selling. Moe says it was $1,300 when Gene bought new
Moe gave me a ride home since Janice was in bed with the sore back. This is a view down Southwest Parkway at dusk
This will conclude this post. I had a great time tonight and enjoyed the sermon that Pastor Roy gave. If you live in the Wichita Falls area and didn't go to the Church last night, you missed out on an excellent service. If you would like to attend, the Broken Chains Freedom Church is located at 5200 Old Jacksboro Hwy, between Archer City Highway (TX79) and Rathgerber Rd. Services are Friday night at 7:00 p.m. Get there early for a good seat.
Be sure to scroll way down for more rides, events and runs and remember to click on the "OLDER POSTS" at the bottom of EACH page or directly under the last post on EACH page, for more of the same.
You can access NORTH TEXAS BIKERS & NORTH TEXAS BIKERS II at the following links: and
Continue to pray for our troops, both in and out of harm's way especially Pattie (Korea) and my niece Steffanie (Iraq/Afghanistan theatre)
Until next post, be careful out there, keep the rubber on the road, keep your head on a 360 degree swivel and most important of all.....RIDE SAFE..... JOHN
An interesting post with good photos John, good to read about a nice bunch of people. I saw the pics of Sissy there, how is she doing? Janet and I still regularly pray for her and hope that she is well. How is your foot? We wish you a speedy recovery Bro.