Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Stephenville Texas Ride 10-23-09

Friday, 10-23-09, Gary & Jean Ann were riding down to Austin Texas to see their grand kids and several of us rode 1/2 way down with them and stopped to eat in Stephenville & to look around at Cody's in Hico Texas. Scroll down and join us and meet my Harley that I finally got Thursday, 10-22-09. REMEMBER: IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE PICTURE BIGGER, JUST CLICK ON THE PICTURE...

Here is the Harley in the garage with Ms. Clone. It is a Heritage Softail Classic.

My new ride. Well, new to me. It's a 2001 with 17,000 miles...I am keeping Ms. Clone for those cross country trips because I don't want to rack up that many miles on the Harley in a short period of time. I have put 33,000 miles on Ms. Clone since Jan 08.

Our staging area was the Wal-Mart on Southwest Parkway at 0930 hrs and KSU at 1000 hrs. This pic of me was taken at the gas pumps there at Wal-Mart. Oh yeah, it was 41 degrees and windy out...

This is Tex at the staging area..

This is Ted & Jean Ann at the staging area

Some of the folks there waiting for others to arrive are, from left to right: Mark, Tex, Ted, Jean Ann & Gary.

Me, Tex, Ted, Jean Ann & Gary at the staging area

me & the Harley at the staging area

Everyone there now was waiting for KSU time to come around. Left to right: Tex, Mark, Ted, Gary & Jean Ann and Russ & Linda

The front of Ted's Leather

The back of Ted's leather

Russ's new Ultra Classic. Russ would be leading the ride South today. We would stop in Windthorst Texas and pick up Nubbin and some of his friends there

The group photo prior to heading out: left to right: Tex, Dennis, Moe, Ted, Gary & Jean Ann, Russ & Linda and Mark..

We head South down US 281 and Mark is tail gunner on this ride. He is in contact with Russ on the CB's..

The group in front of me as we head South. That is Dennis & Moe directly in front of me

We get to Windthorst Texas and meet Nubbin, Barry aka Quick Six, Bill & Edmond. That's Nubbin on the Green Harley Trike and Bill on the Gold Wing

Dennis (off the bike) & Moe wait as Edmond, Bill & Nubbin get ready to pull out

Nubbin, South bound on US 281

Dennis & Moe South on US 281

Gary & Jean Ann Southbound on US 281

Ted rolling South on US 281

Our leaders for today's ride, Russ & Linda, as they roll South on US 281

Gary & Jean Ann rolling South on US 281

Edmond Southbound on US 281

Barry South Bound on US 281

Nubbin South on US 281

Mark rolling South on US 281

Tex Southbound on US 281

The mirror shot of Mark & Tex behind me

This is Nubbin, Barry and the others as we enter Jacksboro Texas and our first rest stop.

When we stop at the Shell Station, Nubbin has a little surprise for me. Since this was my first ride on the Harley, he produced a box of rice. In honor of this occasion of me not being on the Vulcan, he "christens" my Harley with rice. Here he is beginning to pour...

It's official now...As the christening continues, I am now an official Harley rider again & member of the Dark Side.... Thanks Nubbin...You da Man and Angela is Da Woman for sending the rice... You just can't ask for any better friends and folks to ride with...

After the christening, we all visit and get drinks from the store... The temperature at this point was maybe 50 degrees...

Here is Linda having a great time as always.. She loves their Harley more than Russ does, I think...

Mark getting his commo gear hooked up and securing his helmet prior to our departure from Jacksboro Texas

Tex fires his bike up as Nubbin gears up to go

Tex, ready to go, whips out a crisp salute. I should be the one saluting him. He is a decorated Vietnam Vet and deserves the honor...

As we head South again on US 281 from Jacksboro to Stephenville Texas, the formation changes up a little. Behind me now, from closest to farthest are: Mark, Ted & Tex

In front of me are Nubbin, Barry & the others

Mark, Ted & Tex as we continue South on US 281

Nubbin crosses over the Brazos River Bridge

We make it to Stephenville Texas and arrive at the Hard Eight Pit Bar B Q. We park the bikes in the "Motorcycle Corral". Here is Dennis as we walk to the Restaurant

My Harley in the corral with the BBQ pits behind it..

Nubbin & Barry's Trikes and the some of the other bikes in the parking lot.

The Hard Eight Pit Bar B Q sign

The main pit where you pick your favorite type of BBQ from...

Some of the other pits in use, each cooking up some great food

Here are Jean Ann, Gary, Ted & Nubbin looking at the different BBQ'd meats & sausages trying to make their selection for lunch...

me & Ted inside the Hard Eight Pit Bar B Q

Our group at the table...

Gary & jean Ann enjoying the great food at the Hard Eight Pit Bar B Q

Russ, Mark & Dennis enjoying the food as we eat in. The Hard Eight also has take out and a small fleet of vans that they use for catering... For more on the Hard Eight Pit Bar B Q, see this link:

Ted in the Hard Eight Pit BBQ Restaurant

We finish eating and head back to the bikes. Next destination is Cody Trading Post, a biker apparel/accessory shop, in Hico Texas, about 22 miles South of Stephenville Texas

Moe & Dennis as we get ready to leave the Hard Eight.

Mark & Bill are ready to head out..

Linda on the phone by their bike. As Russ & Linda were at Cody's a few days ago, they opted to return to Wichita Falls from here and then head back down to Ft. Worth after they drop their bike off and pick up their truck

Russ & Linda pull out & head North on US 281 enroute to scenic Hwy 4 and a great ride home..

Dennis & Moe, saddled up and ready to depart for Hico Texas

As we pull out & head South on US 281, Dennis & Moe are once again in front of me...

We get to Hico Texas & Cody Trading Post and see this trailer in the parking lot..

We park the bikes in the parking lot of Cody Trading Post. Here are my Harley & Ted's Harley

We were walking into the trading post and Moe told me she was surprised that I hadn't taken a picture of her butt because I usually am behind them and get a picture of her & Dennis from behind as we are rolling down the highway, hence her butt picture.. So, I said ok I will take a picture of her. So here is Moe and her butt, sans motorcycle..

These are two hard working employees at Cody Trading Post. They both were friendly & very helpful. This is Autumn (white t-shirt) and Kassie (blue t-shirt). If you are in the area or plan on making a run to Hico Texas, stop in at Cody Trading Post and say hi to them and check out the great deals they have in the store on the leathers, patches, pins and other items..

While inside, I got to talking to these folks. This is Ramey & Kay and their Harley. They are from Waco Texas

Ramey & Kay. Ramey just got back from Iraq & is on leave. He told me he got home one day and bought the Harley the next day and that this is his first Harley and he loves it.. We all appreciate your service & sacrifrice while serving the USA and it's citizens and thank you for your part in keeping us safe and allowing us the freedom to ride free. Welcome Home...Job well done!!

Gary's Harley at Cody Trading Post Hico Texas

My Harley at Cody Trading Post Hico Texas

Ted's Harley at Cody Trading Post Hico Texas

Cody Trading Post Hico Texas For more info on Cody Trading Post, see this link:

Barry at Cody Trading Post Hico Texas

Mark's Harley at Cody Trading Post Hico Texas

Edmond's Gold Wing at Cody Cody Trading Post Hico Texas

Nubbin's Harley Trike at Cody Trading Post Hico Texas

Bill's Gold Wing at Cody Trading Post Hico Texas

Dennis & Moe's Harley at Cody Trading Post Hico Texas

Barry's Gold Wing Trike at Cody Trading Post Hico Texas

Ted's Harley & my Harley at Cody Trading Post Hico Texas

Ted & I at Cody Trading Post Hico Texas

me & Mark at Cody Trading Post Hico Texas

Ted & Jean Ann with Edmond & Nubbin in the background at Cody Trading Post Hico texas

Ted, Jean Ann & Gary Cody Trading Post Hico Texas

We left Cody's & went down the street to gas up for the return trip to Wichita Falls Texas. Gary & Jean Ann would leave the group here and depart, heading down to Austin Texas. Here is Moe at the Shell station Hico Texas

My bike at the Shell Station Hico Texas

Nubbin gassing up Hico Texas

Ted at the pumps Hico Texas

Jean Ann shows off the chaps that Gary got her at Cody Trading Post, as Gary gears up to depart for Austin Texas

Ted checks in at home as we wait to depart Hico Texas for home, about 154 miles North.

The bikes & riders as we wait to depart Hico Texas for home..

We pull out Northbound on US 281. Nubbin is now our leader and Ted is directly in front of me

What's a ride without running into road construction? We found some between Stephenville Texas & Mineral Wells Texas on US 281..

We get to I-20 & US 281 and pull into another Shell Station for a quick break. Here is Nubbin as we mill around...

The Shell Station, I-20W (overpass) and US 281

Me & Nubbin's Trike at the Shell station, I-20W/US 281

We finish up talking & visiting and start to get ready to continue North up US 281

We pull back out on US 281 and get stuck behind this Wide Load, on & off, from I-20 on home. Last time I saw this vehicle was when I took the Southwest Parkway exit in Wichita Falls. It was continuing North up US 281..

As we head North, we once again come to the Brazos River. For more on this famous Texas river, see this link:

Ted crossing the Brazos River bridge on US 281

Ted as we head up US 281

Nubbin & Ted as we close in on Jacksboro Texas

We get to Jacksboro Texas and have to make a MANDATORY stop...Here are the bikes in the parking lot of this mysterious lcation. You frequent viewers to this site know where this is..Any guesses from the rest of you? A Major Clue is that this is Texas and every city has one EXCEPT Wichita Falls Texas.....Give up?

Yes it is the Dairy Queen in Jacksboro Texas. The ice cream demons act up when on a ride & have to be fed...

Ted and his vanilla ice cream cone at the DQ

This is Bill & Edmond (with the cone). They are brothers and ride kewl.. I rode with my brother in Michigan in May for the first time ever and it was one of our dreams come true...It only took us 40 years to do it..

Mark & Ted in the DQ. I think Mark opted for a hot fudge sundae..

Nubbin got a Blizzard and is explaining an organization that is for families of those killed in Iraq and vets..I will get more on it from Nubbin and let ya'll know about it

We leave Jacksboro Texas and proceed North up US 281.. Nubbin, Barry & Edmond would leave the group in Windthorst Texas

Mark, Bill & Dennis & Moe are still behind me as we get to the outskirts of Wichita Falls..

The last pic of this post is of Dennis & Moe passing Ted as they head home. I took the next exit & headed West...It was a great ride and I couldn't ask for any better folks to ride with as my Harley broke me in.. I was very impressed with the smoothness of this bike & I never thought that Harley's could ride this smooth and the gas mileage was great too. I think me and this Harley are gonna have a long, satisfing relationship....I look forward to the next ride with everyone.
Scroll down for more rides, events & posts and don't forget to click on the "older posts" link at the bottom of EACH page for more rides and posts. Check out North Texas Bikers (1) at for rides, events & posts from January 08-November 08. and North Texas Bikers II at: for rides, events & posts from Nov. 08-July 09. Until next post, ya'll be careful out there, ride safe, keep the rubber on the road & pray for our Troops & Pattie & Manuel................JOHN

1 comment:

  1. WOOHOO!!! and, im happy to see you have them both. welcome home to your heritage. great ride john!!
